My view


St. Nerses the Gracious (1102-1173)

Սուրբ Ներսէս Շնորհալի

“I Confess with Faith”




St Nerses_1

St. Nerses IV the Gracious “Shnorhali” 



About this site

This site is a tribute to our most revered father, great poet and theologian, Saint Nerses IV the Gracious “Shnorhali”. Through the pages of this site, we witness the significance and the impact of St. Nerses’ theological work οn the Christian world.
“I Confess with Faith” prayer, the “Havadov Khosdovanim” prayer, as it is known in the Armenian language, remains one of St. Nerses’ most prominent works of all time. A collection of 24 prayers, one for each hour of the day. Undoubtedly, it is one of his most touching and inspiring religious works. “Havadov Khosdovanim” prayer is one of the most widely published Armenian prayers. It has been widespread universally, translated so far in more than 36 languages.
“” website comprises a vast collection of “Havadov Khosdovanim” translations derived from several different sources. Additionally, an effort has been made to also include in this site further useful information related to the life and work of St. Nerses Shnorhali, as well as several aspects related to the history, organisation and structure, liturgical and spiritual life of the Armenian Church.
Pages of this site were created on material taken directly from freely provided sources and publications. As long as no translation of “Havadov Khosdovanim” prayer into Modern Greek has been recorded so far, it has been a great opportunity and honour for me to work personally on this translation, and through this site, to publish the “Havadov Khosdovanim” prayer translated into Modern contemporary Greek.
This is a site created, published and supported through my personal efforts. I am an individual with no connections to any organisations, institutions or any commercial activity. This is an independent website, running on a non-profit basis, designated only for religious and educational purposes. All material published within these pages is provided in downloadable format, so as to become accessible for everyone, as long as its recipients will always respect the copyright and intellectual property rights related to its content.

Levon A. Ounanian

Athens, May 2017




Confess with Faith script






















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